Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Void of Emptiness / Perversion of Godly Measurements

Last September 2010 I noticed how the word 'void'
as found in Isaiah.

Isaiah 34:11
"But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it;
the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he
shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and
the stones of emptiness [void = H922]."

I wondered what was meant by a stone of emptiness.
Turning to the Hebrew, I discovered how Strong's
H922 = Bohuw as defined by; emptiness, void, waste.
This H922 is listed in only 3 verses in the OT.

The first time is the well recognized verse in Genesis
Chapter One Verse Two: when the earth was without
form and void [H922].

The next verse showing this Hebrew word is found
in Isaiah 34:11 as quoted above.

The final verse is located in Jeremiah 4:23 as in:
"I beheld the earth and low [it was] without form and
void [H922] and the heavens and they [had] no light."

I readily understand both of the Genesis as well as
Jeremiah references. But, I had a hard time fitting
into context the Isaiah verse and it did not seem to
make sense.

Questions presented as: Who was stretching out
and what were the stones of emptiness or void?

So, I looked up all of the Hebrew words in the Isaiah
verse. There are eleven Hebrew words with a Strong's
definition. Since I am not able to read Hebrew as a
language, I wanted to piece together these various
words as if they were separate parts of a puzzle.

My, my, I said to myself, aren't we getting all
Amplified on it ... to say the least, eh?

Here then are the 11 words and their Hebrew
 (possibly a pelican or cormorant)
 (possibly a bittern, porcupine or hedgehog)
 (to destroy, bring to ruin, to dispossess, to take/inherit)
 (possibly a great owl or eared owl)
 (possibly a raven or crow)
(6) H7931 - TO SETTLE DOWN;
(7) H5186 - TO STRETCH OUT;
 (possibly coming down or descending)
 (possibly line upon line stretched out
 measuring a ruled line)
(9) H8414 - A FORMLESS or EMPTY
 Formlessness = nothingness, empty space,
 wasteland, wilderness, without form, confusion,
 vain, vanity, unreality, place of chaos
 (natural state, precious, worked, sacred,
 stone-like objects; possibly a weight of the
 balance from stones used for measuring
 the weights of all things)
(11) H922 - VOID or EMPTINESS
 (possibly devoid and empty with its conclusion
 as a waste)

This then is my Amplified Word Phrase using
the Strong's definitions:

"Unclean birds, shrinking animals taking
possession (bringing to ruin); unclean owls,
black color ravens to settle down and establish
[their] dwelling places; Stretching out by
descending and extending drawn measuring
lines [into] a formless place of wasted vanity;
Bringing unreal chaos into the natural state
for all large and small stones into an empty

Perhaps the verse in Isaiah is addressing the
whole concept of evil's perversions from the
original design of the LORD's genetics found
in the FIRST-ADAM.

The corruption of the Lines of Measurement is
done by those evil entities that descend on the
hearts and minds (i.e., heart of stone) to make
a nesting place where choas reigns.

Maybe it shows the descent of these creatures
to bend and pervert the ruled lines set forth by
the godly elect who were originally capable to
accurately measure all of the cords/paths of the
Heavenly Mazzaroth.

These unclean creatures were imitating the LORD
as they went about 'stretching-forth' their perversion.
I believe that's what happened to the generation
before the flood.

These evil entities, as characterized by unclean
animals, have wanted the children of ADAM to
worship them instead of worshipping the LORD.

Psalm 143:6
"I stretch forth my hands unto thee:
my soul [thirsteth] after thee, as a
thirsty land. Selah."

Instead of using 18-parts for a day/night according
to the Enochian calendar, these creatures confused
it with an 18-inch measurement for their unholy
ceremonial rites/rituals found in pagan worship.

Amos 8:5
"Saying: "When will the New Moon be past,
That we may sell grain? And the Sabbath,
That we may trade wheat? Making the
ephah small and the shekel large, Falsifying
the scales by deceit,"

This is how Darkness perverts holy and righteous
Truths. They are infestations of unclean things that
literally seize the measuring lines and twist it into
places of empty vanity. The result is confusion and
its conclusion is a waste. Truly it can be said, "All
Is Vanity."

I believe Jesus Christ used this example of stretching
forth as a sign of how His Heavenly Father wanted
to restore and make perfect all things:

Luke 6:10
"And looking round about upon them all, he [Jesus]
said unto the man, 'Stretch forth thy hand.' And he
did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other."

Our LAST-ADAM, Jesus Christ, is truly our Messiah,
Savior and LORD. We have hope to inherent His
Righteousness. Only in Him will we Journey via
Eternal Life where no part of death, sin, darkness,
or any such evil shall ever again twist, pervert or
bring ruination into our lives.

We know in part today, but one day, on that Great Day,
we will know Him as He knows us. Our freedom from
choas is drawing near, quickly, as in the days of Noah.