Sunday, August 25, 2013

Declarative Words Are Not Personal Narratives

I read how the LORD promised destruction via the Flood.

Genesis 7:4    KJV
For yet seven days, and I will cause it
to rain upon the earth forty days and
forty nights; and every living substance
that I have made will I destroy from off
the face of the earth.

I love to dig deeper to look at the Hebrew words. Again, my
apologies to those who have learned the language. I piece
the words together and then compare and contrast.

For instance, the KJV has: 'that I have made' = Strong's
H6213 - Asah (verb) = to do, fashion, accomplish, make,
produce, to observe, to bring about; to labor, to work about
(anything); to press, to squeeze

I noticed how the single word, ASAH is used to create a phrase
that create a type of personal pronoun narrative as though it
was expressing a person's speech. The phrase, 'I have made'
seems quite a bit different than the Strong's definition of this
Hebrew word. This is why contextual and cultural connections
provide additional layers of meaning.

Here are the 16 Hebrew words in Gen 7:4
(1) H5750 - Owd (adverb) = a going round, continuance, still, yet,
again, moreover, besides, since, good while, going over again
(2) H7651 - Sheba (noun) = seven, sevenfold
(3) H3117 - Yowm (noun) = day, time, year, time period (temporal)
(4) H4305 - Matar (verb) = to be rained on, to rain
(5) H776 - Erets (noun) = land, earth, whole earth
(6) H705 - Arba-iym - 40
(7) H3117 - Yowm (noun) = day, time, year, time period (temporal)
(8) H705 - Arba-iym - 40
(9) H3915 - Layil (noun) = night(s), midnight, (fig., of gloom, calamity)
(10) H3605 - Kol (noun) = all, the whole, everything, totality, every
(11) H3351 - Yequwm (noun) = living substance, every living existence
(12) H6213 - Asah (verb) = to do, fashion, accomplish, to make, act,
action with effect, perform, execute, wrought, accomplish, produce,
to observe, to bring about; to labor, to work about (anything); to press,
to squeeze
(13) H4229 - Machah (verb) = to wipe out, blot out, obliterate,
exterminate, abolish, utterly destroy, wipe away
(14) H5921 - Al (conjunction) = concerning, on behalf of, beyond, above,
over (of excess or elevation), together with, according to, in addition to
(15) H6440 - Paniym (noun) = face(s), presence, countenance
(16) H127 - Adamah (noun) = ground, land, specific piece or plot of land,
whole earth; by implication - the whole planet

Marin Transliteration:
Going over again seven times raining on the whole earth
40 days 40 nights totally all of every living substance to
bring about the blotting out, obliteration [in] utterly
destroying [by] wiping out [in] excess over the face of
the whole planet.

NOTE: Strong's H705 - Arba-iym = 40 has root meaning
from H702 = ARBA = four-fold
See previous blog at:
Arba = H704 = arbah; fourth, or four-fold,
father of Anak & greatest of the giants

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fulfilment Of Sourced Design Without Respect

a) Original Design Of Man:
Gen 2:5 "... not a man to till the ground."

b) Original Source Of Man:
Gen 3:23 "... to till the ground from whence he was taken."

c) Original Fulfilment Of Man's Sourced Design:
Gen 4:2 "... but Cain was a tiller of the ground."

Cain fulfilled the original sourced design. He was
the first and finest completed fulfilment in all of
the Earth within the first recorded family. Cain
was the first to bring his offering to the LORD.

Cain's offering 'had not respect' but we were not
told why his was not acceptable except by contrast
to his younger brother's offering of a sheep-sacrifice
with the 'fat thereof' by Abel. Why, therefore, was
Cain's offering not acceptable? Cain was very wroth
and his countenance fell.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Are Palm Trees In The Temple Of Solomon?

Years ago, I purchased and read all three books in the
biblical trilogy series about the hidden symbols found
in the tabernacle of Moses, the tents of David and the
temple of Solomon. I looked up the palm tree analysis
that was from the author, Mr. Conner.

The Temple of Solomon (book # 3): by Kevin J. Conner
Bible Temple Publishing; Portland, Oregon 97213
ISBN-10: 0914936964; First Edition 1988

Chapter: 16 - Building the Temple of the LORD
(pages 67 through 80)

Excerpt page 74:
"Trees, therefore, in the Temple represent believers
in Christ, different in nature to stones, yet all shaped
to be part of His habitation. Variety of trees speak of
variety of God's people, yet all one in Christ become
part of the house of the LORD."

1. The Cedar Tree ~ Christ's incorruptible humanity & kingship
2. The Fir Tree ~ Christ's power and strength to uphold (all things)
3. The Algum (red sandalwood) ~ Christ's cross atoning death, His blood
4. The Palm Tree ~ Christ the upright One, resurrection and new life
5. The Olive Tree ~ Christ the anointed One, the Messiah, Living Word

Excerpt page 76:
"Each of these trees speak of Christ and the believers. The
trees were cut off from their natural surroundings, the
former source of life in the earth. All their natural beauty
was stripped from them. Then, they were sawn up, shaped
and planed. They all experienced death to their 'old life.'
After this, they go through the process of preparation by
the hands of the carpenters in order to find their place in
the house of the LORD, to partake of His glory. They were
clothed with unnatural beauty and fitly framed together
(Ephesians 2:19-22). Christ is the Master carpenter when
it comes to His work in the believers. He shapes us for His
building. Every part of the Temple speaks of His glory or
His glory in the saints. The preparation speaks of the
dealings of the LORD in the lives of His people."

4. The Palm Tree
The palm tree was actually carved into the cedar wood where
ever it was used in the Temple. The following scriptures give
us the overlay of symbolic and significant meanings.

(a) Psalm 92:12-13 ~ the righteous shall flourish
(b) Exodus 15:27 ~ 12 wells of water & 70 palm trees are types
of 12 apostles and the 70 who were sent out by Jesus for healing
ministry (Luke 9:1; 10:1-2)
(c) Nehemiah 8:15 & Leviticus 23:40 ~ palm branches used in
the wave-celebration for rejoicing in the Feast of Tabernacles
(d) Revelation 7:9 ~ wave-celebration before Throne of GOD and
the LAMB for triumphant redeemed victory

The ornamentation of the palm tree was used very much in the
Temple. It was carved on the lavers in the Temple courts. It was
carved on the walls of the Temple, in the Holy Place and the
Holiest of ALL. Also, the doors of the Sanctuary were ornamented
with the palm tree. This tree was most prominent in the Temple
of the LORD.

1 Kings 6:29, 32, 35   NASB
Then he carved all the walls of the house
round about with carved engravings of
cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers,
inner and outer sanctuaries. [v32] So he
made two doors of olive wood, and he carved
on them carvings of cherubim, palm trees,
and open flowers, and overlaid them with
gold; and he spread the gold on the cherubim
and on the palm trees. [v35] He carved on it
cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers; and
he overlaid them with gold evenly applied on
the engraved work.

See Page 81 for a drawn picture of what these folding doors
may have looked like in the Temple of Solomon.

Excerpt page 77: The Ornamentation of the Boards

The cedar boards are now carved and wrought and
outworked in them ornamentation and beatifications.

They had lost their natural beauty but would now
have the beauty of the LORD upon them. These were
the trees of righteousness, of the LORD's planting and
they were given beauty for ashes of mourning. It speaks
of Christ and His people who have lost their natural
earthy nature but now received a spiritual beauty
inscribed upon them in their hearts which is precious
to the LORD.

The Palm Tree - speaks of Christ the upright One, the
righteous One, the victorious One in His own person
and that which is manifested in His saints from the
resurrection unto His glory.

The early church used the palm tree as a symbol of
Christ's triumph over death through resurrection, as
also the Christians who were martyred. The bride of
Christ is likened in stature to the palm tree in Song
of Solomon ~ see chapter 7 verse 7.

Chapter: 17 - The Door of the Sanctuary and the Oracle
(pages 82 through 86)

A. The Doors into the Sanctuary, the Holy Place
1. Made of Fir Tree
2. Two Side Posts Made of Olive Tree
3. A Fourth Part of the Wall
4. Folding Two-Leaved Doors
5. Ornamentation of the Doors
5a) Open Flowers
5b) Palm Trees ~ righteousness of Christ as the perfect/upright One
5c) Cherubims
6. Doors overlaid with Gold
7. Gold Hinges

B. The Doors into the Oracle, the Holiest of ALL
1. Made of Olive Tree
2. The Lintel and Two Side Posts of Olive Tree
3. Lintel and Side Posts - A Fifth Part of the Wall
4. Folding Two-Leaved Doors
5. Ornamentation of the Doors
5a) Open Flowers
5b) Palm Trees ~ righteousness of Christ
5c) Cherubims
6. Doors overlaid with Gold
7. Hinges of Gold
8. Golden Nails for the Temple

Note (page 85) In 1st Chronicles 22:3 we have iron nails
for the courts, but for the Sanctuary proper there were
the golden nails, with the Temple containing His Divine,
Eternal Life fastened and made more sure which are
steadfast for believers

9. Chains of Gold before the Oracle

Palm Branches were also used as a symbolic meaning
for the head of nations.

Isaiah 9:14    NASB
So the LORD cuts off head and tail from Israel,
Both palm branch and bulrush in a single day.

Isaiah 19:15    NASB
There will be no work for Egypt,
Which its head or tail, its palm
branch or bulrush, may do.


Caught Up / Snatched Out Away

The same Greek word is used in 2nd Corinthians 12:4
and 1st Thessalonians 4:17 describing how believers
were 'caught up' into Paradise or into the clouds to
meet the LORD.

Strong's G726 - Harpazo (verb) = to seize, carry off by
force, to seize on, claim for one's self eagerly; to snatch
out or away; catch away, pluck, pull, take by force,
catch up

Imagine my shock when I looked and saw how the
wicked were described with this same Greek word,

Matthew 13:19
When anyone hears the word of the kingdom,
and understands [it] not, then comes the
wicked to catch away [G726] that which was
sown in his heart. This is he which received
seed by the wayside.

The same 'caught up' or 'snatched away' of the Rapture
is also used to describe how the sown seed word is taken
or pulled out by force from a person's inner heart!

Both the Wicked and the LORD Jesus utilize this
action. The Wicked attempts to snatch the seed sown
each and every time a potential salvation event is
near with a person's heart. The LORD promises to
those Wise Virgins who have oil in their lamps His
Rapture into the Heavenly Feast afterwards the
Wedding Door is shut closed.

In that sense, the Wicked have multiple caught-ups
that so quickly entangle the hearts and minds of those
close to becoming saved.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Deny Fallen Faults Of The Soul

What does it mean to 'deny' one's self as a believer?
In order the approach this question, I would begin
by framing the overall picture of the soul as a complex
city filled with contradictions.


Soul's complex nature is like a house divided, a
mansion with many rooms, a place of different
levels with zoned areas. The soul connects both
to the carnal as well as with the spiritual. This
is the dual nature, like twins wrestling inside.

A prime illustration of this dual nature that has
been wrestling within an internal war is found
in the story about Jacob renamed as Israel. See:
Genesis 32:21-31.

The internal conflicts within the soul begins to
find resolution when we can accurately name those
fragmentary parts of our lives. It takes faith and
courage to move away from our comfort zones to
tear down defensive walls and enter into the tension
filled places. When we no longer have hidden parts
secretly betraying us we can learn how to entrust
our soul into the hands of the LORD and Master.

Strong's G720 - Arneomai (verb) = to deny, deny
one's self, to disregard his own interests or to prove
false to himself, to act entirely unlike himself, to
abnegate, to abjure, to not accept, to reject, to
refuse something offered

I believe the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ
provides a safe place that gives hope, strength and
the spiritual power to break free of the obstacles that
bind us to hidden dark divisions. It is in this light
we become like innocent children having our fallen
faults forgiven, receiving heavenly blessings of His
renewal and eventual redemption from above.

Titus 2:11-12    KJV
For the grace of God that brings salvation has
appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying
ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live
soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present
world; looking for that blessed hope, and the
glorious appearing of the great God and our
Saviour Jesus Christ;

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lightly Tossed Aside For Rejection

The 28th chapter in Job speaks about wisdom. This
sort of heavenly wisdom is not readily available but
remains quite rare and very precious.

Job 28:19   KJV
The topaz of Ethiopia shall
not equal it, neither shall it
be valued with pure gold.

1) H6357 - pitdah = the topaz (or chrysolite)
a precious stone
2) H3568 - Kuwsh = Ethiopia; Cush; the geographical
location found in the southern parts of Nile
3) H6186 - arak (verb) = shall not equal; to arrange,
put or lay in order; set in array; ordain, esteem, set
forth, set in place (ie, joined [together]); by impl.
'to make an evaluation' according to orderly sets of
4) H5541 - calah (verb) = neither shall it be valued;
to make light of, toss aside, to flout, to reject; to weigh,
balance; to be weighed; KJV: trodden down, trodden under
5) H2889 - tahowr = with pure; clean, pure, fair
6) H3800 - kethem = gold; pure gold, [re-]fine(d) gold

Marin transliteration:
Cush's topaz sets forth as an arrangement to
be made light of thereby becoming tossed aside
rejection [for] pure refined gold

KJV provides English phrases of 'trodden down' and
'trodden under foot' as their equivalent definition to
the Hebrew verb, 'calah' which is Strong's H5541.

The action of dismissing and discounting heavenly
wisdom is a form of trampling down under foot.

Responses from worldly-ones, who oppose and become
very aggresive against this holy wisdom, has been found
in the combination of two Hebrew words:

arak + calah = H6186 + H5541
ordained to be rejected; arranged to be tossed aside;
set in an orderly place to become weighed down

In principle, the deeper the wisdom, the greater the opposition.
The purer the understanding, more confusion generated against it.
The clearer the revelation in the spirit, the more forceful outrage.

How then does the habitual response become manifested against
the wisdom from above? I believe the standard recoiling in total
opposition starts from a dismissive attitude, a quiet rebuttal of
hostile dis-interest that tosses aside in order to systematically
make light of so as to arrange for social mocking, outright rejection
and complete disregard of the substance of things not-seen because
wisdom reveals the hidden parts into the light of understanding.

Matthew 13:19
When any one hears the word of the kingdom,
and understandeth [it] not, then comes the
wicked to catch away that which was sown
in his heart. This is he which received seed
by the way side