Friday, May 18, 2012

Sanctification On A Whole New Level

Imagine my surprise when I read
how Jesus called the scribes and
Pharisees a lot of very descriptive
names, like hypocrites, blind guides,
blind men, and my favorite, Fools.

Matthew 23:17    NASB
"You fools and blind men! Which is
more important, the gold or the
temple that sanctified the gold?"

Not only did this verse catch my
attention, but next I noticed that
our LORD plainly stated how the
temple sanctified the gold offering.

Their offerings became sanctified
before Him through the Temple

That was for the Old Testament.

So, I'm just thinking outloud now.
Is it reasonable to say that our lives,
as living sacrifices under the New
Covenant, have our possessions
sanctified as we offer our possessions
to Him?

Is this the Wisdom and Insight of
the LORD? I would hate to be blind
and a fool.