I read how the LORD promised destruction via the Flood.
Genesis 7:4 KJV
For yet seven days, and I will cause it
to rain upon the earth forty days and
forty nights; and every living substance
that I have made will I destroy from off
the face of the earth.
I love to dig deeper to look at the Hebrew words. Again, my
apologies to those who have learned the language. I piece
the words together and then compare and contrast.
For instance, the KJV has: 'that I have made' = Strong's
H6213 - Asah (verb) = to do, fashion, accomplish, make,
produce, to observe, to bring about; to labor, to work about
(anything); to press, to squeeze
I noticed how the single word, ASAH is used to create a phrase
that create a type of personal pronoun narrative as though it
was expressing a person's speech. The phrase, 'I have made'
seems quite a bit different than the Strong's definition of this
Hebrew word. This is why contextual and cultural connections
provide additional layers of meaning.
Here are the 16 Hebrew words in Gen 7:4
(1) H5750 - Owd (adverb) = a going round, continuance, still, yet,
again, moreover, besides, since, good while, going over again
(2) H7651 - Sheba (noun) = seven, sevenfold
(3) H3117 - Yowm (noun) = day, time, year, time period (temporal)
(4) H4305 - Matar (verb) = to be rained on, to rain
(5) H776 - Erets (noun) = land, earth, whole earth
(6) H705 - Arba-iym - 40
(7) H3117 - Yowm (noun) = day, time, year, time period (temporal)
(8) H705 - Arba-iym - 40
(9) H3915 - Layil (noun) = night(s), midnight, (fig., of gloom, calamity)
(10) H3605 - Kol (noun) = all, the whole, everything, totality, every
(11) H3351 - Yequwm (noun) = living substance, every living existence
(12) H6213 - Asah (verb) = to do, fashion, accomplish, to make, act,
action with effect, perform, execute, wrought, accomplish, produce,
to observe, to bring about; to labor, to work about (anything); to press,
to squeeze
(13) H4229 - Machah (verb) = to wipe out, blot out, obliterate,
exterminate, abolish, utterly destroy, wipe away
(14) H5921 - Al (conjunction) = concerning, on behalf of, beyond, above,
over (of excess or elevation), together with, according to, in addition to
(15) H6440 - Paniym (noun) = face(s), presence, countenance
(16) H127 - Adamah (noun) = ground, land, specific piece or plot of land,
whole earth; by implication - the whole planet
Marin Transliteration:
Going over again seven times raining on the whole earth
40 days 40 nights totally all of every living substance to
bring about the blotting out, obliteration [in] utterly
destroying [by] wiping out [in] excess over the face of
the whole planet.
NOTE: Strong's H705 - Arba-iym = 40 has root meaning
from H702 = ARBA = four-fold
See previous blog at:
Arba = H704 = arbah; fourth, or four-fold,
father of Anak & greatest of the giants