biblical trilogy series about the hidden symbols found
in the tabernacle of Moses, the tents of David and the
temple of Solomon. I looked up the palm tree analysis
that was from the author, Mr. Conner.
The Temple of Solomon (book # 3): by Kevin J. Conner
Bible Temple Publishing; Portland, Oregon 97213
ISBN-10: 0914936964; First Edition 1988
Chapter: 16 - Building the Temple of the LORD
(pages 67 through 80)
Excerpt page 74:
"Trees, therefore, in the Temple represent believers
in Christ, different in nature to stones, yet all shaped
to be part of His habitation. Variety of trees speak of
variety of God's people, yet all one in Christ become
part of the house of the LORD."
1. The Cedar Tree ~ Christ's incorruptible humanity & kingship
2. The Fir Tree ~ Christ's power and strength to uphold (all things)
3. The Algum (red sandalwood) ~ Christ's cross atoning death, His blood
4. The Palm Tree ~ Christ the upright One, resurrection and new life
5. The Olive Tree ~ Christ the anointed One, the Messiah, Living Word
Excerpt page 76:
"Each of these trees speak of Christ and the believers. The
trees were cut off from their natural surroundings, the
former source of life in the earth. All their natural beauty
was stripped from them. Then, they were sawn up, shaped
and planed. They all experienced death to their 'old life.'
After this, they go through the process of preparation by
the hands of the carpenters in order to find their place in
the house of the LORD, to partake of His glory. They were
clothed with unnatural beauty and fitly framed together
(Ephesians 2:19-22). Christ is the Master carpenter when
it comes to His work in the believers. He shapes us for His
building. Every part of the Temple speaks of His glory or
His glory in the saints. The preparation speaks of the
dealings of the LORD in the lives of His people."
4. The Palm Tree
The palm tree was actually carved into the cedar wood where
ever it was used in the Temple. The following scriptures give
us the overlay of symbolic and significant meanings.
(a) Psalm 92:12-13 ~ the righteous shall flourish
(b) Exodus 15:27 ~ 12 wells of water & 70 palm trees are types
of 12 apostles and the 70 who were sent out by Jesus for healing
ministry (Luke 9:1; 10:1-2)
(c) Nehemiah 8:15 & Leviticus 23:40 ~ palm branches used in
the wave-celebration for rejoicing in the Feast of Tabernacles
(d) Revelation 7:9 ~ wave-celebration before Throne of GOD and
the LAMB for triumphant redeemed victory
The ornamentation of the palm tree was used very much in the
Temple. It was carved on the lavers in the Temple courts. It was
carved on the walls of the Temple, in the Holy Place and the
Holiest of ALL. Also, the doors of the Sanctuary were ornamented
with the palm tree. This tree was most prominent in the Temple
of the LORD.
1 Kings 6:29, 32, 35 NASB
Then he carved all the walls of the house
round about with carved engravings of
cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers,
inner and outer sanctuaries. [v32] So he
made two doors of olive wood, and he carved
on them carvings of cherubim, palm trees,
and open flowers, and overlaid them with
gold; and he spread the gold on the cherubim
and on the palm trees. [v35] He carved on it
cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers; and
he overlaid them with gold evenly applied on
the engraved work.
See Page 81 for a drawn picture of what these folding doors
may have looked like in the Temple of Solomon.
Excerpt page 77: The Ornamentation of the Boards
The cedar boards are now carved and wrought and
outworked in them ornamentation and beatifications.
They had lost their natural beauty but would now
have the beauty of the LORD upon them. These were
the trees of righteousness, of the LORD's planting and
they were given beauty for ashes of mourning. It speaks
of Christ and His people who have lost their natural
earthy nature but now received a spiritual beauty
inscribed upon them in their hearts which is precious
to the LORD.
The Palm Tree - speaks of Christ the upright One, the
righteous One, the victorious One in His own person
and that which is manifested in His saints from the
resurrection unto His glory.
The early church used the palm tree as a symbol of
Christ's triumph over death through resurrection, as
also the Christians who were martyred. The bride of
Christ is likened in stature to the palm tree in Song
of Solomon ~ see chapter 7 verse 7.
Chapter: 17 - The Door of the Sanctuary and the Oracle
(pages 82 through 86)
A. The Doors into the Sanctuary, the Holy Place
1. Made of Fir Tree
2. Two Side Posts Made of Olive Tree
3. A Fourth Part of the Wall
4. Folding Two-Leaved Doors
5. Ornamentation of the Doors
5a) Open Flowers
5b) Palm Trees ~ righteousness of Christ as the perfect/upright One
5c) Cherubims
6. Doors overlaid with Gold
7. Gold Hinges
B. The Doors into the Oracle, the Holiest of ALL
1. Made of Olive Tree
2. The Lintel and Two Side Posts of Olive Tree
3. Lintel and Side Posts - A Fifth Part of the Wall
4. Folding Two-Leaved Doors
5. Ornamentation of the Doors
5a) Open Flowers
5b) Palm Trees ~ righteousness of Christ
5c) Cherubims
6. Doors overlaid with Gold
7. Hinges of Gold
8. Golden Nails for the Temple
Note (page 85) In 1st Chronicles 22:3 we have iron nails
for the courts, but for the Sanctuary proper there were
the golden nails, with the Temple containing His Divine,
Eternal Life fastened and made more sure which are
steadfast for believers
9. Chains of Gold before the Oracle
Palm Branches were also used as a symbolic meaning
for the head of nations.
Isaiah 9:14 NASB
So the LORD cuts off head and tail from Israel,
Both palm branch and bulrush in a single day.
Isaiah 19:15 NASB
There will be no work for Egypt,
Which its head or tail, its palm
branch or bulrush, may do.