Gen 2:5 "... not a man to till the ground."
b) Original Source Of Man:
Gen 3:23 "... to till the ground from whence he was taken."
c) Original Fulfilment Of Man's Sourced Design:
Gen 4:2 "... but Cain was a tiller of the ground."
Cain fulfilled the original sourced design. He was
the first and finest completed fulfilment in all of
the Earth within the first recorded family. Cain
was the first to bring his offering to the LORD.
Cain's offering 'had not respect' but we were not
told why his was not acceptable except by contrast
to his younger brother's offering of a sheep-sacrifice
with the 'fat thereof' by Abel. Why, therefore, was
Cain's offering not acceptable? Cain was very wroth
and his countenance fell.