and 1st Thessalonians 4:17 describing how believers
were 'caught up' into Paradise or into the clouds to
meet the LORD.
Strong's G726 - Harpazo (verb) = to seize, carry off by
force, to seize on, claim for one's self eagerly; to snatch
out or away; catch away, pluck, pull, take by force,
catch up
Imagine my shock when I looked and saw how the
wicked were described with this same Greek word,
Matthew 13:19
When anyone hears the word of the kingdom,
and understands [it] not, then comes the
wicked to catch away [G726] that which was
sown in his heart. This is he which received
seed by the wayside.
The same 'caught up' or 'snatched away' of the Rapture
is also used to describe how the sown seed word is taken
or pulled out by force from a person's inner heart!
Both the Wicked and the LORD Jesus utilize this
action. The Wicked attempts to snatch the seed sown
each and every time a potential salvation event is
near with a person's heart. The LORD promises to
those Wise Virgins who have oil in their lamps His
Rapture into the Heavenly Feast afterwards the
Wedding Door is shut closed.
In that sense, the Wicked have multiple caught-ups
that so quickly entangle the hearts and minds of those
close to becoming saved.