I noticed two different words were used to
describe the Rapture Events. The first refers
to CLOUD and the second refers to AIR.
Perhaps this is an indication of a double-pump
with the meeting With The LORD.
The first is when the Dead in Christ are raised
up from the Earth.
The second is when those who remain and are alive
get raised up.
(A) With - G4862 - Syn = with, along side
Matthew 27:38
"Then were there 2 thieves crucified with
[G4862] him, one on the right hand, and
another on the left."
Mark 9:4
"And there appeared unto them Elias with
[G4862] Moses; and they were talking with
(B) Together With - G260 - Hama = at the
same time, at once, together (with); Withal
1 Thes 4:16-17
"For the Lord himself shall descend
from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with
the trump of God: and the dead in
Christ shall rise first: [17] Then
we which are alive [and] remain
shall be caught up together [G260]
with [G4862] them in the clouds, to
meet the Lord in the air: and so
shall we ever be with the Lord."
1 Thes 5:10
"... Who died for us, that, whether we
wake or sleep , we should live together
[G260] with [G4862] him."
Clouds - G3507 - Nephele = cloud
Air - G109 - Aer = the air, particularly
the lower and denser air as distinguished
from the higher and rarer air; the
atmospheric region
Perhaps the first phase is when those who
are asleep/dead are raised up into the
clouds. This cloud might be similar to the
one that led Israel for 40 years. Similar
to the one that Jesus Christ ascended up
as described in the Book of ACTS.
Then, perhaps there will be a brief time
span for those who are awake/alive to be
raised up.
Next, together with them, all of the Bride
will ascend together to meet the LORD in the
atmospheric air. This suggests a lower location
below the cloud.
A couple of thoughts.
1) If the CLOUD is world-wide, then a great
darkness will circle the globe.
2) If the Rapture initiates a lightening bolt
occurance for each person raised up, then it
would look like the noon-day sun even though
it isn't the Sun causing the light.
3) If there's a resurrection of those 2 yrs and
younger, then those left behind will grieve their
loss. Such a response might trigger a world-wide
clammour to get 'chipped' so as to track one's
whereabouts (i.e., Location-Insurance-Chip).
4) If there's a delay from the dead being raised,
and the second part for those alive, then wouldn't
that cause great doubt among those unsettled in
their faith. Such waivering might trigger a complete
let-down, a total falling away. It might cause a
stampede to get the Location-Insurance-Chip and
thereby seal them with the Mark of the Beast.
This might explain the second falling away.
5) If 3 days and 3 nights is the pattern, and
the first Rapture of the Dead takes 3 days/nights,
and the second Rapture of the Wake/Alive takes 3
days/nights, then on the 7th Day all of the Bride
enters Heaven with HIM. This 7 days of 'feast'
matches the Tabernacle analysis of Helena.
--- Peter Marin wrote:
If we have more than one rapture, then
does that mean that the Holy Spirit, as
He Who Restrains, will not be taken
until the 2nd rapture OR at least until
after the 1st rapture during, perhaps,
the second wave of Falling Away?
If yes, then we have an updated order:
(1) The Initially Falling Away (Now)
(2) The Rapture Part One (Soon)
(3) The Second Falling Away
(4) He Who Restrains Is Taken (Holy Spirit)
(5) Son of Perdition is Revealed (Father/Son)
--(Sept 11th)-- message post #1842:
Helena quoted 2 Thess. 2:3-12 and wrote:
"... Church won't be taken out of the way
until the falling away happens first, the
True Church will witness this falling away
into apostasy and will be powerless to stop
Ok, so we now have the order:
First: The Falling Away, then
Second: He Who Restrains is Taken, then
Third: The Son of Perdition is Revealed
-------Original Message-------
From: Peter Marin
Date: 9/27/2010 6:17:39 AM
What Comes Naturally? (9-27-2010)
Here's just a thought:
if a vast majority of those who are currently
claiming how their salvation is in the savior
Jesus Christ suddenly, like a thief in the
night, find themselves left behind after the
1st rapture, won't the natural reaction be
that of shock-denial and this would, by a
factor of a hundred-fold, cause them to
'fall-away' in disappointment? Wouldn't this
represent a breakdown of their expectations?
How could God do this to them? Therefore,
if the 1st rapture takes out of this world
Those 'over-comers' first, then those not
taken might naturally just fall away as they
failed to keep fresh oil in their lamps, and
then the anti-christ would be able to step
Up to re-motivate the 'base' by saying he
was the christ and that nobody missed out
on anything? Doesn't this make sense?