Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rapture / All Children Worldwide Instantly (2-1-2011)

Over this weekend, I have been meditating
on the Rapture concerning innocent children.
I have read how Jesus spoke about children.
Matthew 18:3
"... and [JESUS] said, "Truly I say to you,
unless you are converted and become like
children, youwill not enter the kingdom
of heaven."

Again, in Matthew 19:14
"But Jesus said, "Let the children alone,
and do not hinder them from coming to Me;
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such
as these."

For such as these, for all children world
wide, I have become persuaded the Rapture
will include all children everywhere. He
will include all who are 2 years or less,
and also those who are developmentally not
past the internal age of two. Therefore,
the handicapped, the weak, the poor in
spirit will receive inheritance. If I am
correct, then the mark of the beast might
be sold to those left behind as a safety
measure to ensure the survival of the
planet, survival of our population. People
will line up to pay for their insurance

I'm sure there are many reasons for
those who view themselves as believers
who fail to participate in the Rapture.

Perhaps one reason might be that their
lives lack fruitfulness. As such, wouldn't
it be logical to consider their place
on Earth is to learn what it means to
'go and buy from merchants'? (Reference
from the Virgin Handmaidens parable)

I do not see this as a way to buy your
salvation. I do, however, imagine how
this additional time might produce the
desired result ... a cleansed heart
with clean hands bearing the fruit of
the spirit.

Maybe it's a way to extend to those who
are 'close-to-the-Kingdom' to find out
under Tribulation what they could not do
under Grace.