Strong's Greek G485: Antilogia = opposition,
rebellion, contradiction
Jude 1:11
"Woe unto them! for they have gone in the
way of Cain, and ran greedily after the
error of Balaam for reward, and perished
in the gainsaying [G485] of Core."
These are Power brokers who manipulate,
deconstruct and institutionalize global
governance according to the Way of Cain,
the Error of Balaam, gainsaying of Core.
Hebrew 12:3
"For consider him that endured such contradiction
[G485] of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied
and faint in your minds."
Mental fatigue is a symptom of righteous believers
who endure constant contraditions from those in
opposition to biblical redemption.
It's a battle place of the mind and spirit. It's an
all-out assault against our faith, our place in the
Kingdom of God and our walk following Him who
have been disciplined by His love to grow up in
all things unto the full measure of righteousness,
peace and the Holy Spirit.
The world's Power Brokers are forcing change into
the very definitions of biblical words:
1) redemption [vs] recover from addiction habits
2) restoration [vs] constructing relaxation techniques
3) resurrection [vs] repetitive routines of P.C. behavior
4) revelation [vs] self-realization w/o bearing fruitfulness
Without redemption from the Blood of Christ, there
is no salvation. Without restoration for our souls,
there is no satisfaction in the spirit. Without finding
our resurrection in Christ, there is no overcoming the
bondage of the fleshly sins. Without revelation from
His Word and Spirit, there is no hope for drawing
near to our heavenly Father.
What is a Socialist:
one who promotes, practices and is characteristic
of Socialism
What is Socialism:
advocates seeking wealth and power through
governmental tax-and-spend applicatons based
on selective, state-controlled domination as a
means of creating unfair concentrated manipulation
around special-interest themes. Where collective
salvation replaces personal accountability and
denies the Gospel's salvation message for our
own individual lives. Opposes US Constitution.
Such 'gainsaying' is a measure of rebellion in
opposition to the Lordship Of Christ Jesus in
each believer's life.