Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Those in opposition to The LORD (1-11-2011)

I was intriqued with verse 11 in Leviticus of
chapter 1.

I looked up in Strong's and it's H6440
= paniym; From Root Word = H6437
= panah = to turn toward or from or away;
to turn away, put out of the way, turn back

It's the same word used to describe CAIN:

Genesis 4:16
 "And Cain went out from the presence [H6440]
 of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod, on
 the east of Eden."

Notice, it doesn't say that CAIN went 'before the face'
of the LORD.' Instead, he headed out of Eden to escape
the presence of the LORD after negotiating his own
lessor sentence.

It looks like the first lawyer who came up with
a plea bargaining tactic that won clemency.

It's the same word used to describe ADAM/EVE:

Genesis 3:8
 "And they heard the voice of the LORD God
 walking in the garden in the cool of the
 day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves
 from the presence [H6440] of the LORD God
 amongst the trees of the garden."

You can also see this same clarification in Haggai:

Haggai 2:14
 "Then answered Haggai, and said, So [is]
 this people, and so [is] this nation "turned
 against from" before [H6440] me, saith
 the LORD; and so [is] every work of their
 hands; and that which they offer there
 [is] unclean."

Here we clearly see how the Way of Cain finds it's
natural place in the rebelious nation, the wayward
people, yes even those dedicated to serving themselves
selfishly as unto the LORD.

This is a deep point of clarification as there are
those who live legally in the defense of their faith.

1 John 1:6
 "If we say that we have fellowship with
 him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and
 do not [have] the truth [in us]:"

No lawyer will be able to argue successfully
that our fellowship qualifies us for His Kingdom
when we hide lie(s) in our hearts.