Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Excuse & Without Cause (1-11-2011)

John 15:22-25 NASB
"If I had not come and spoken to
them, they would not have sin, but
now they have no excuse for their
sin. [23] "He who hates Me hates
My Father also. [24] "If I had not
done among them the works which
no one else did, they would not
have sin; but now they have both
seen and hated Me and My Father
as well. [25] "But they have done
this to fulfill the word that is
written in their Law, 'THEY HATED

Those who hated Jesus did so because
they had a long list of very specific
causes that offended them. They passed
judgment against Him. They created a
list of reasons that became the basis
of their trial against Him before their
own Council as well as before civil
authorities. This was why they had to
put Him to death at the same time
releasing a known murderer in His place.

First, He claimed to be equal to God.
Second, He ruined their money exchange.
Third, He pointed out their lack of faith,
and misunderstanding scriptures about the
power of God.

Fourth, He broke their Law by doing Good
on the Sabboth.

Fifth, He disregarded the washing of the outside of
the cups.

Sixth, He kept reaching out to the lost and
ministering to them, including Samaritans,
Roman soldiers, tax collectors, prostitutes,
lepers and those outside the inner circle of

Yet, these reasons were, in fact, a testimony
of His divine authority as being from the
ONE who sent Him. The children of darkness
did not recognize His authority and rebelled
against His word denying the spirit of Truth.

Yet, Jesus revealed their hidden motivation
and inner thoughts. He dealt with their true
reasoning that was inside their hearts beyond
their own veil that was covering their darkened

This invisible part of their lives was not denied
to the LORD Jesus Christ. Jesus said their
hatred was based on their own personal sin
as they refused to believe in the ONE who
sent Him. He did the works of His Father
and they became convicted of their own
sinning as they resisted, refused, refuted
and rejected His revelations.

He knew they did not know the ONE who
had sent Him into the world. They chose
not to believe this which resulted in their
sin to become clear evidence both in Heaven
and on the Earth. They were without excuse.

This word of revelation became attached to
each of them individually even though they
consistently merged their own identity into
the authority of their Group. Jesus even
warned of their Group's way of filtering
and inflating their own importance like

John 7:7 KJV
"The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth,
because I testify of it, that the works thereof
are evil."

Therefore, their reasons and the list of issues
became irrelevant to the ONE who sent His Son.
Therefore, they hated Him without cause.