I enjoy studying the many layers of meaning as an
inspired source of understanding about our relationship
with The Lord Jesus Christ. I have applied my study,
prayerfully, to find the subtle yet abundant confirmations
that act as witnesses to His eternal plan of salvation.
I look at His Word in the Bible for these dualities to
see how I can apply what I've learned here. I have seen
how the names found in the Old Testament bring new
Genesis 35:18
"It came about as her soul was departing
(for she died) that she named him Ben-oni
(son of sorrow/pain) but his father called
him Benjamin."
Here we see a mother's painful sorrow become her
last declaration for her son as a testimony to her pending
death. Even though Jacob had the last word in such a
name, I believe Rachel's declaration still stood, especially
when I read:
Genesis 49:27
"Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; In the morning he shall
devour the prey, And at night he shall divide the spoil."
I believe Benjamin named his son Belah for a similar
reason. In these names we see a new picture emerge.
(1) Benjamin begat BELAH [=Devourer; destruction; destroying]
(2) BELAH begat ARD [='I shall subdue'; wanderer]
(2a) Alternative ARD [=One that commands; he that descends]
It looks like the seed and prodigy of Benjamin in their names
somehow portrayed the Enemy of the Promised One even
though they were within the tribal congregation of God's
Chosen People.