Looked up the words of our LORD Jesus for His phrase:
"it's better" and read:
Matthew 5:29-30 NASB
Matthew 18:6, 8-9 NASB
Matthew 19:10 NASB
Mark 9:42-43, 45, 47 NASB
Luke 17:2 NASB
John 4:52 NASB
These yielded 11 Greek words that describe "it's better"
as advice from our LORD.
G1308 - diapherō (dē-ä-fe'-rō) - be better, be of more value,
differ from, should carry, publish, drive up and down
G2570 - kalos (kä-lo's) - good, better, honest, meet, goodly,
G2908 - kreisson (krā's-son) - better
G2909 - kreittōn (krā't-tōn) - better, best
G3081 - lysiteleō (lü-sē-te-le'-ō) - it is better
G3123 - mallon (mä'l-lon) - more, rather, the more, better
G4284 - proechō (pro-e'-khō) - be better
G4851 - sympherō (süm-fe'-rō) - be expedient, profit, be
profitable, bring together, be better, be good
G5242 - hyperechō (hü-per-e'-khō) - higher, better,
excellency, pass, supreme
G5543 - chrēstos (khrā-sto's) - kind, easy, better,
goodness, good, gracious
G5623 - ōpheleō (ō-fe-le'-ō) - profit, prevail, better, [an]
The Kingdom of God does indeed have a 'good, better, best.'
I have finally come to the conclusion about these scriptures.
Our LORD is saying that it is FAR BETTER to cut off all spots,
stains, wrinkles, blemishes, darkness, corruption that causes
us to stumble, do evil and fall-short of the high calling of Christ
in us who believe, THAN TO SUFFER the short term 'up-side'
of keeping ourselves 'whole' without holiness. Keeping to ourselves
without leaving our own self-made comfort-zone is not suffering
for the sake of the Kingdom. It is, instead, an old wine-bag/skin
that can not receive new wine.
THEREFORE, the measure of faith taken to 'cut-off' what's
near and dear to our innermost heart's desire, is in fact the
'anointing' that replenishes our spiritual 'FLASK' as we no
longer have the strength, support and resources of that
which we just 'cut-off' for the sake of holiness/obedience.
(reference the 5 foolish (vs) 5 wise handmaidens)
THEREFORE, the things we suffer lost, it is those very
items that we bear the brandmarks of following our LORD
& MASTER, and brings forth the evidence of our Chosen
Ones Elect position with Him. The only brand-marks that
are acceptable 'branding' is the degree of suffering loss in
our decision to cut-off that which entices, entraps and
causes us to stumble/fall. This suffering is not based on
abstract circumstances (my tire blew, my pencil broke, etc),
but an active choice to partake in the sufferings of Christ.
If a believer has never cut off their own sinful connections,
but just enjoyed the 'washing with the water of the word'
ministry, then they might not be invited via the Rapture
into the 7 year feast of Heaven. They are the handmaidens
lamented as 'foolish' and left outside the door of the marriage
Phl 3:3
For we are the [true] circumcision, who worship
by [the] Spirit of God, and boast in Christ Jesus,
and do not trust in flesh.
THEREFORE, the Church will yet again be Two Fishes:
One will belong in Heaven at the Feast preparing for the
inheritance, and,
Other-One will live through the terrible tribulation/struggle
where many will be martyred.
One will be taken, the other not. It is BETTER to have the
Anointing in the flask as we suffer lost, in this present age,
than the alternative?
Act 5:41 KJV
And they departed from the presence of the council,
rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer
shame for his name.
1 Cor 12:26 KJV
And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer
with it; or one member be honoured, all the members
rejoice with it.
Col 1:24 KJV
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that
which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for
his body's sake, which is the church
1 Peter 4:13 KJV
But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's
sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye
may be glad also with exceeding joy.
This is how the Apostles were able to teach others to
rejoice in their sufferings. The Apostle Paul went further
to teach that his own sufferings were to support the
Church so as to (1) make up what was lacking in
the sufferings of the Church, and (2) make sure the
believers he taught were lacking nothing of the Spirit
to walk in this world but not following worldly desires
according to the fleshly cravings.