Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Duality of Darkness In The Crucifixtion

I was channel-surfing and happened to
notice on TLN a show titled, Forgotten
Truths. Curious, as I haven't seen it
previously, I watched the remaining 24
minutes or so. The speaker, Richard
Jordan, quoted the following verse:
Luke 23:44-45   YLT
'And it was, as it were, the 6th hour,
and darkness came over all the land
until the 9th hour, [v45] and the
sun was darkened, and the vail of the
sanctuary was rent in the midst ...'

While I was impressed with his knowledge
of his topic, this verse really became
really important to me. Why? Because I
had not seen this truth before, and it
confirmed the duality of how holy
scriptures overlay both the physical Gospel
in the Stars as well as the spiritual elements
that interconnect in truth for us who believe.

What did I get from this?
1) The salvation message is according to a
set of advancing chronology
2) The 'darkness-over-all-the-land' was
identifying the Kingdom of Darkness specifically
for the Land of Israel under Roman occupation
3) The 'sun-darkened' was identifying for us
the heavenly event of our solar system connected
to the Good-News Gospel of Christ

Helena wrote LOG_Prophecy Chp8pg331:
"When Yahshua died, the curtain in the Temple
was torn in two. This curtain between the Holy,
and Most Holy Place in the Temple served to
remind men that they could have no fellowship
with God without blood atonement, and no blood
sacrifice could ever fully atone for sin unless it
was without sin. Therefore, the torn curtain
indicated that the need for animal sacrifice and
blood atonement had finally come to an end
through the perfect, forever-atoning sacrifice of

As sin originated in the Father of All Lies, Satan,
so then does the salvation from sin originate from
the Father's Perfect Lamb of God, even His Son,
Jesus Christ. Satan is defeated at the Cross.

The Kingdom of Darkness had but 3 hours to
cover our LORD, but our LORD has forevermore
set these captives free from sin and death's power
through His Perfect tearing apart the separation
between us and His Father.
Praise Him for His mercy and grace!

I believe the Body of Christ shall also be torn into
two parts, with the first part participating in the overcoming
victory of walking in His Light but the second can not
participate because the lower-nature has not life but is
dead to sin.

Rom 6:11    NASB
"Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin,
but alive to God in Christ Jesus."
Rom 8:13    NASB
"... for if you are living according to the flesh,
you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting
to death the deeds of the body, you will live."

I believe the Rapture will take those living by faith
and have put to death the deeds of their lower-nature
or fleshly, earthy desires.