Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Twins Entwined

I am fascinated and drawn to the complexity hidden
inside the meanings of names and their family of
origin's relationships.

There are two sets of twins that have been used as
examples in the Old Testament.

1.) Isaac & Rebekah had twins: Esau and Jacob

Genesis 25:25    KJV
And the first came out red, all over like
an hairy garment; and they called his
name Esau. [v26] And after that came
his brother out, and his hand took hold
on Esau's heel; and his name was called
Jacob: and Isaac [was] threescore (60)
years old when she bare them.

Esau was first, all red, earthy, natural, hairy, murderous
Jacob was second, fallen-flaw for grabbing, liar, deal-maker

Romans 9:13    NASB
Just as it is written,
"Jacob I loved,
But, Esau I hated."

Jacob had fallen-flaws of character seeking to find any
shortcut to come in first place. He worked to marry two
wives with their two servant handmaidens, fathered
twelve children and had a career troubled in his work
with employment to his mother's brother (his uncle)
where his compensation package was cheated him
ten (10) times.

2.) Judah & Tamar had twins: Pharez and Zarah
[ref: Genesis 38:27]

(a) Pharez = Strongs H6557 - Perez = breach; twin brother of
Zerah; son of Judah & Tamar; descendants called Pharzites;
a dispersion (of enemies, or slaughter); an irruption, invasion,
violence, a diffusion (of water)
(b) Zerah = Strongs H2226 - Zerach = rising, twin brother of
Pharez; son of Judah & Tamar; descendants called Zarhites;

Genesis 38:29-30
And it came to pass, as he (Zerah) drew back
his hand, that, behold, his brother came out:
and she said, 'How hast thou broken forth?
[this] breach [be] upon thee': therefore, his
name was called Pharez. [v30] And afterward
came out his brother, that had the scarlet
thread upon his hand: and his name was
called Zarah.

Twin(s), twined or entwined
Strongs H8380 - Ta'owm = twins - only used as a plural
Strongs H8382 - Ta'am = coupled together, bear twin, doubled

The second born was identified with a scarlet thread that
foreshadowed his symbolic role as the one who will bring
forth light, brightness of resurrection in rising up from the

Isaiah 60:3
"Nations will come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of
your rising [zerach]."

Adam was the first created Man as a living, breathing soul.
Christ was the second Man who was the source of life-giving
spirit. Jesus Christ breathed on his disciples in the upper

Esau was the first born who was natural, despising birth right.
Jacob became Israel after wrestling against his fallen-fault in
God's love, acceptance and forgiveness.

Pharez broke through his mother's belly breach as first
born for the lineage from Adam to Christ. Zerah was the
promised brightness of rising light in the dawn of His
servant suffering. It is this hidden part we partake in
the rising up into the brightness of Christ's light that
has entwined all of us who are born again into His
new, second abundant life.

1st Corinthians 14:46
Yet that was not first which is spiritual,
but that which is natural; afterwards
that which is spiritual.