Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It Is Not Good Being Alone
Genesis 2:18 KJV
And the LORD God said, [It is] not good
that the man should be alone; I will make
him an help meet for him.
This verse has 10 Hebrew words according to the
Strong's lexicon/condordance. I noticed the word
for 'alone' is Strong's H905.
The funny part that hits me is that the English
for H905 spells out: Bad (masculine noun) = alone,
by itself, besides, a part, separation, being alone,
by itself, only (adv), apart from (prep), part, parts
(eg: limbs, shoots), bars
The KJV translation provides bits of emphasis as
when these English words were used to define H905:
stave, beside, branches, alone, only, strength, apart,
bars, each, except, beside him, like, themselves.
Note: separation, something separated, from the root,
hence: a part, part like to part i.e., in equal portions;
plural specially parts of the body i.e. members;
Job 18:13 & 41:4 ~ of a tree, i.e. branches;
metaphorically: staves, as bearing up used as
staves of the city indicating the princes who
uphold the city;
I get several impressions as I meditate on H905.
This is the LORD's unique way of creating an
emphasis to His Word. It's His doubling or folding
over His meaning by making sure His reader
discovers what is important.
For a Man of God to be alone is bad, real bad. I
perceive how this is especially true for those who
move into a place of leadership. These leaders will
find themselves separated into equal parts and shall
need to bear up as they uphold the rest of their
community. This also is lonely business that does
require the LORD's created help to meet the needs.
We see this over and over again in the OT leaders
such as Moses, Joseph, Samuel, David. They all
needed the help from the LORD to bear up as His
anointed Leaders. Without His Strength, the loneliness
goes from bad to worse quickly.