Sunday, September 16, 2012

What's Your Travail?

I have read in the bible about how the
whole world will experience in the
End Times the sort of travail as
though by a woman.

1 Thesalonians 5:3    KJV
For when they shall say, 'Peace, and Safety';
then, sudden destruction cometh upon them,
as travail upon a woman with child; and
they shall not escape.

This word, 'travail' is Strong's G5604. I find
it strangle it is the Greek word, 'Odin' as it
is pronounced, ō-dē'n, which means = sorrow,
pain, travail

I next looked and found KJV has five variations
of the word, travail. These are:
1) travail - 30 times
2) travailed - 5 times
3) travailest - 1 time
4) travaileth - 7 times
5) travailing -3 times

That's a whopping 46 different variations for
just one word. Seems like a pretty important

Next, I cross-referenced travail* for the whole
bible. This search produced:

(a) Old Testament (Hebrew) for "travail"
(1) H2342 – chuwl [khül] = pain, formed, bring forth,
 pained, tremble, travail, dance, calve, grieved,
 grievous, wounded, shake, misc
(2) H2470 – chalah [khä•lä'] = sick, beseech, be weak,
 grievous, be diseased, wounded, pray, entreat, grief,
 grieved, sore, pain, infirmity, entreated, laid, prayer,
 sorry, make suit, supplication, travail
(3) H3205 – yalad [yä•lad'] = beget, bare, born, bring
 forth, bear, travail, midwife, child, delivered, borne,
 birth, labor, brought up, misc
(4) H5999 – `amal [ä•mäl'] = labor, mischief, misery,
 travail, trouble, sorrow, grievance, grievousness,
 iniquity, miserable, pain, painful, perverseness,
 toil, wearisome, wickedness
(5) H6045 – `inyan [in•yän'] = travail, business
(6) H8513 – tĕla'ah [tel•ä•ä'] = travel, travail, trouble

(b) New Testament (Greek) for "travail”
(1) G3449 – mochthos [mo'kh-thos] = travail, painfulness
(2) G4944 – synōdinō [sün-ō-dē'-nō] = travail in pain together
(3) G5088 – tiktō [tē'k-tō] = bring forth, be delivered, be born,
 be in travail, bear
(4) G5604 – ōdin [ō-dē'n] = sorrow, pain, travail
(5) G5605 – ōdinō [ō-dē'-nō] = travail in birth, travail

Are you weary? Then, you're in travail.

Are you miserable? Then, you're in travail.

Do you have pain and sorrow? Then, you're in travail.

Do you pray supplications in grief and sickness? Then,
you're in travail.

Do you tremble with grievous, wounded burdens? Then,
you're in travail.

Do your business troubles bring forth misery? Then,
you're in travail.

What sort of travail do you have in your life today?

If in this life we have intolerable anguish, then let us
recognize, as we are seeking Him first in all things,
that our faith is not in vain, and the travail of our
hearts is a mystery best resolved in Christ.

Luke 21:36    NASB
"But keep on the alert at all times, praying that
you may have strength to escape all these things
that are about to take place, and to stand before
the Son of Man."