Sunday, January 8, 2012

Entertainment Idol Lady Gaga

The expression, 'going gaga' was
used to indicate how someone went
over the edge, going crazy like a
raving fan!

Now we have Lady Gaga. Interesting
name ...

What does it mean? What is a gaga?
I realize that Lady Gaga is her made
up stage name. It's not what she was
named at her birth.
However, the Gaga name and her behavior
sort of reminds me of a Hebrew word
found at Strong's H90 - 'Agag' which
means, 'I will overtop'
How about Strong's H91 - Agaghe
(pronuciation) as an adjective
which is Agagite = "I will overtop"
- Agagiy = member of Agag lineage
Is there a lineage of outrageousness?
Our pop culture worships its self
centered philosophy of glorifying all
that which is base, natural, sexual
and celebrating human achievement.
It's probably a bit of a s-t-r-e-t-c-h
but the meaning of: 'I will overtop'
seems to fit quite nicely into our modern
perspectives of new media, entertainment
and performing arts. She is continuing
the long line of satire, parody, comedy
and acting out in a 'wild and crazy'
way. She's pushing the envelope into
it's illogical end.