1) ADAM/EVE = Original State: Shekinah Glory as
covering within His Presence freely communing in
His Light. No external attack of nature, physical
wants/needs or spiritual deception could harm them.
2) ADAM/EVE = Was the Shekinah Glory covering
fading from ADAM/EVE? If yes, then why?
The example is found by lookingt at Moses who
wore a veil to prevent the Israelites from seeing
the Glory fade from his face.
Exodos 34:35 NASB
"... the sons of Israel would see the face of Moses,
that the skin of Moses' face shone. So Moses would
replace the veil over his face until he went in to
speak with Him."
2 Corinthians 3:13 KJV
And not as Moses, [which] put a vail over his face,
that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look
to the end of that which is abolished ..."
3) ADAM/EVE = Exposure To Temptations, External
Elements & Hidden Enemy
4) ADAM/EVE = Encounter Event By Knowledge-Tree
4a) ADAM = tempted to sin
4b) EVE = tempted via deception
4c) ADAM/EVE = decision to stick together
4d) They Fall Away From Original State
5) ADAM/EVE = Original Choice: They chose to
own and direct their own lives.
If the Shekinah Glory functioned as divine protection,
then such might have been weakened to permit exposure to
external temptations. This should suggest an element of
time for sequential steps away from His Glory, or perhaps
a hidden journey of wandering to explore their Forbidden.
In this way, perhaps no degree of temptation, basic elementary
environments, interpersonal needs/wants or Enemy attack
could have reached ADAM/EVE unless their first Original
State was downgraded of their divine nature. This form of
spiritual weakness may have been created as they failed
to stedfastly cling to their Heavenly Creator.
What were they longing for? What was the attraction to
turn their gaze, their attention, their own heart-strings?
I suspect our first father/mother, ADAM/EVE, were
quietly, silently and carefully sneaking away from their
Heavenly Creator to test the limitations of their heavenly
relationship. They explored their best fit for one another
and then moved towards a deplorable place of darkness.
Perhaps they were sneaking out the bedroom window, in
the middle of the night, to seek out what was not kosher
during the Light of Day?
Like all sin, Satan, self and situational-circumstances,
it was probably a gradual spiral downward into a very dark
place of knowledge that would become a game-changer for
them. They got caught with a simple question,
"Adam. Where Are You?"
Instead of Glory covering them, it became Shame.