The Children of Israel were instructed how to
keep the Law of Moses, especially how to keep
clean from those detestable things/actions.
The Sons of Aaron and those of the Priesthood
were given special instructions how to remain
in the sanctification of the LORD.
Leviticus 22:9 NASB
'They shall therefore keep My charge
so that they will not bear sin because
of it and die thereby because they
profane it; I am the LORD who
sanctifies them.'
Now through Jesus Christ, the perfect Lamb
of God, we have this sanctification for
those who call upon the Name of the LORD.
The Spirit's Heavenly Law of Liberty has
now been witnessed and written upon our
hearts. Let us see this great Rock of
Eternal Salvation who has so very generously
given us flowing Living Waters!
Romans 6:22 NASB
But now having been freed from sin
and enslaved to God, you derive your
benefit, resulting in sanctification
and the outcome, eternal life.