Playing the game of Drama starts with the Primary-Player attempting to capture the entire bandwidth of Attention-Span from other Characters. The Drama involves other people who become involved and get more and more squeezed into the sphere of Drama.
The Primary-Player's secondary objective is to prevent other characters from escaping the arena of their Drama. The Primary-Player therefore escalates all of the consequences regardless of the negative effects to get others to actively be a participant in the Drama, even if it's to wrestle free from the whole situation.
The tools used to sustain Drama by the Primary-Player are to avoid responsibility, not recognize their role to respect others and exaggerate their importance by directing the flow of actions for others. The Primary-Player therefore elevates their status from victim to Director by bending, twisting (anyway they want it) for choices that reacts to the actions of the other Characters. In their role as Director, the Primary-Player can 'rise-above' the choices of others and treat those others as if they were the Audience to the Drama.
Escalating Narcissism
When a Primary-Player has unresolved feelings that have created deeply ingrained hurts, then any expressions of affective communications is filtered through the past Drama. Staying caught in the past Drama creates an insulated bubble of protection around the hurt feelings. The bubble can expand its sphere to include current relationships and situations. When this occurs, the bubble acts as a focusing lens where every new experience is interpreted through the lens of past Drama. From an outsider’s perspective, this appears as a highly charged Narcissism of negativity.
From the Primary-Player’s perspective, the individual has felt blind-sighted in the past Drama and should have seen it coming and somehow prevented it from breaking into an unresolved conflict of tangled emotions. The re-set button for handling today’s problems is safely valued in the past Drama where no current relationships can emotionally connect in a healthy fashion since the Primary-Player is defining and defending themselves from further, additional hurts.